Birmingham’s Steelhouse Lane Lock-up is an old prison dating to the 1890s. The facility closed in 2016 and today holds the West Midland’s Police Museum. During its operational years the prison acted more as a remand center, holding prisoners for short time periods while they were processed through the court system, which was conveniently adjoined to the prison via an underground tunnel. It is rumored to have seen over one million prisoners pass through its […]
Aston Hall is a country mansion residing in Birmingham, England. The home was built by Sir Thomas Holte between 1618 and 1635. Holte was a local squire looking to create a grand residence for himself, which would be fit to entertain the king. Holte had a fierce reputation, was feared by many and possessed a quick temper. The Holte’s owned Aston Hall for many years, up until 1817. After that it changed hands between multiple […]