Baby Blue is a mirror ritual turned urban legend involving a horrific story. It sees anyone willing to play summon the ghost of a baby with potentially dangerous consequences. The exact origins of this game remain unclear, yet some have drawn a connection between this ritual and that of Bloody Mary. It is speculated that Baby Blue could actually be the child of Bloody Mary since one version of her summoning ritual has participants repeat […]
Charlotte’s Web is a unique summoning paranormal game that has made the rounds across the darker corners of the internet for some time. It is different from other summoning rituals in that is actually provides a backstory for the spirit that is being summoned. The goal of this paranormal ritual is to contact a young girl named, Charlotte, hence the name of the ritual which draws a connection to the classic novel, Charlotte’s Web. The […]
The Three Kings paranormal ritual has existed for a number of years and gained popularity online. It seems to have originated via a Reddit thread, so its legitimacy can be questioned. However, Its usage of mirrors, which are commonly thought to be portals, and a fan to create white noise make this an interesting take on conjuring spirits. Gather your supplies. You will require 1 large room with its windows covered, an assistant, a candle, […]
The Ghost Paper Challenge has become one of the most popular paranormal games on the internet. It appears the game’s origins don’t span back too far in time, though it gained popularity with many Youtubers jumping on the trend a couple of years ago. The game is quite simple and players should take care when playing, as with all games. Gather supplies to play this game. You will need a piece of paper, pen or […]
The Picture Game has gained internet infamy as a paranormal ritual. It involves the use of mirrors, which are commonly thought to be portals, as well as involving spirit photography. Combining these tools makes for an interesting and creepy paranormal game. As always, these games are likely just for entertainment but please proceed with caution. You will need to gather a number of participants for this ritual. You will need a minimum of two players […]
The Raven Man is a mysterious entity that has gained some popularity on the internet. Although no one truly knows his origins they aren’t shy to attempt summoning him, as he could be useful. The Raven Man is said to answer three questions or complete small tasks for those who successfully call upon him, yet this is not without any supposed dangers. Gather all supplies for the paranormal ritual. You will need a dark quiet […]
The Midnight Man is an elusive entity that can be summoned by playing the Midnight Game. Many people fear the Midnight Game and it is said to be one of the more dangerous paranormal games to play. Fail to hide from the Midnight Man during gameplay and you could pay the ultimate price, your life! To play this game you will need to gather a few basic supplies. These include a candle, pin, lighter/matches, piece […]
The Red Man is an elusive and mysterious entity that no one really knows much about. Many have speculated that the Red Man’s origins lie in Japanese folklore, though others are not sure this is the case. Various stories of a so-called Red Man spirit exist around the world. One of these even extends to Paris, France where an entity known as the Red Man was once said to haunt the Tuileries Palace. No one […]