Nestled in the heart of Virginia City, Nevada, lies the infamous Old Washoe Club. The town itself flourished on the riches unearthed from successful silver mining ventures during the heyday of the old west. Originally established in 1862 and affectionately dubbed “The Millionaire’s Club” by affluent patrons, the Old Washoe Club became a haven for the elite Comstock gentlemen seeking lavish entertainment and exclusive camaraderie. However, tragedy struck in October 1875 when a devastating fire […]
Welcome to the eerie world of the Conjuring House, where shadows and nightmares become reality. In 2013, a truly chilling horror film, “The Conjuring,” brought to light the terrifying tales surrounding this once humble farmhouse that has become infamous in the annals of paranormal lore. The Conjuring House, nearly three centuries old, was built in 1736 and is nestled in the small Rhode Island town of Harrisville. Since it’s construction it has become a breeding […]
The Indiana State Sanatorium is nestled deep in the woods, just off raccoon creek and has a disturbing history that dates back over 100 years. The facility was originally opened in 1911 to combat tuberculosis, and it quickly gained a reputation as one of the most successful treatment facilities in the country. However, this success story was not entirely accurate as they attempted to only admit patients who were likely to recover. It acted as […]
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Pennhurst State School and its ghost stories. Originally named Eastern Pennsylvania state institution for the feeble-minded and epileptic, the institution was constructed between 1903 to 1908 and was a state-run organization for the mentally and physically disabled. But behind the walls of the 30 buildings spread across 1400 acres, lurked torturous conditions and patient abuse. This notorious institution was required to house no less than 500 inmates or patients, […]
The Missouri State Penitentiary is a place with a chilling and gruesome history, located in the state capital of Jefferson City, this abandoned penitentiary operated for nearly 168 years, during which time it was the site of the most unimaginable violence and horror. Over 2000 people died on site, and the prison was known for its torture and abuse by both inmates and guards. Inmates were isolated in solitary confinement cells for up to 17 […]
Just outside of San Antonio, Texas lies the Yorktown Memorial Hospital – a place shrouded in mystery and horror. For 30 years, this 30,000 square foot structure stood as the only medical facility outside of San Antonio, serving the local community and beyond. However, with over 2,000 people passing away during its short operation, allegations of fatal neglect, malpractice, and even murder plagued the hospital’s reputation. Built by the Felician Sisters in 1950, the Yorktown […]
Bobby Mackey’s Music World has been a source of mystery and controversy since the 1980’s. People from far and wide have come to this nightclub in Kentucky to experience the supposed supernatural hauntings first hand. Reports of eerie red eyes, phantom footsteps, spirits materializing out of thin air, and objects moving on their own have all been reported in the past. Many believe these sightings are evidence of some kind of dark activity or even […]
Deep in the heart of Illinois lies the infamous Ashmore Estates. Its dark history dates back to the 19th century, when it served as a poor farm, psychiatric hospital, nursing home and tuberculosis sanitarium. Over the years, countless souls met their untimely end within its haunted halls, condemned to suffer in eternal unrest. It’s said that the tormented spirits of former patients, often referred to as inmates, still lurk within, their tortured moans echoing through […]