On the outskirts of the bustling Romanian city of Bucharest sits the ruins of an unconsecrated monastery. While this foreboding stone edifice slowly crumbles, its superstitious legends remain strong and well-engrained in the minds of locals. Though the Chiajna Monastery was built as a place of peace and worship, it’s existence became something quite the opposite. Today, it remains a feared landmark to many. For those who believe these aging tales, the former church is […]
In a small peaceful village, just a short distance from Romania’s capital city, Bucharest, lies a small island monastery. Famed for holding the remains of the world’s most infamous warlord. The Snagov Monastery has existed on Snagov Island for a long time. It was originally founded in the 14th century and more than one church has stood upon the island’s ground in this time. Some, including a small wooden church has been destroyed, supposedly even […]
Just outside Romania’s capital city, Bucharest, in the vast forest Boldu Forest lies a small but mystical pond. Best known as the Witches Pond, this tiny body of water would be inconspicuous to most who aren’t aware of its reputation. This algae layered pond has many mysterious, legends and tales of ghosts surrounding it. Many people have experience unexplainable phenomena in the vicinity of the Witches Pond and many others visit this sacred site to […]