In a sleepy suburb of Denver, Colorado exists a derelict house with a sinister reputation. On a picturesque, quiet street sits this spooky house, shielded by a wire fence and bordered up windows. Built-in 1889, this former mansion was to be the home of William Riddick Whitehead, a man best known for being a surgeon who treated patients during the Crimean War. Following Whitehead’s death within the house in 1902, Governor James Peabody took up […]
Denver is known for many great things. It is the bustling capital city of Colorado, rests nearby to the picturesque Rocky Mountains and contains many great museums. Taking a moment to peer through Denver’s pleasant façade reveals a number of dark locations with sinister pasts. These are the most haunted places in Denver. The Denver Public library has long been a place of education and escapism for book worms, usually seen trawling through the fiction […]