Wentworth Gaol is a haunting structure located on Beverley Street in Wentworth, NSW. Built between 1879-1881, this prison holds the distinction of being the oldest Australian designed Gaol. Both the Gaol and the town share their name with the influential figure, William Charles Wentworth. It’s architect, James Barnett had a visionary design with the Gaol standing as a testament to the past. Before its establishment, Mayor Lockyer used a dead gum tree with a bullock […]
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
The Russell Hotel was built in Sydney in 1887, but the history of the site it was built upon dates back even further. The hotel’s foundations were laid upon the ground that once harbored the Convict’s Hospital, built-in 1788 as the first general hospital in Australia. This hospital was as much a place of healing as it was of death. Many were treated here, particularly during the outbreak of the bubonic plague in Sydney. In […]
Melbourne, New South Wales, Australia
The Old Melbourne Gaol is one of the city’s most recognizable landmarks, marking the darker side of the city’s history. It has stood in the heart of Melbourne since 1839 and has seen many hardened criminals pass through its doors, though not all departed the jail alive. Being the only jail in the Melbourne area, this jail was used to house an array of prisoners. These criminals ranged in age, gender, offense and innocence. Men, […]
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
To this day one of the best views along Sydney’s coastline resides at its old Quarantine Station, today known simply as Q Station. This view was quite literally one that many people died for. The harsh history engrained in the many buildings that encompass Q Station have allowed it to gain infamy and earn the title of being the most haunted place in Sydney. The Q Station is situated on the North Head of Sydney […]