Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Welcome to the Melbourne Quarantine Station, a site nestled on the Mornington Peninsula in Portsea, Australia. Initially established in 1852 as a defence against the invasion of infectious diseases, it was once known as the ‘Sanitary Station’ and harbours a dark history steeped in despair. The arrival of the Ticonderoga, also referred to as “the plague ship” in 1852, increased the need for a Quarantine Station as sickness ravaged its passengers, some were even left […]
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Just outside of Melbourne’s CBD is an abandoned set of buildings with the ability to strike fear into the hearts of many. The old Larundel Mental Asylum now lies empty and has been deteriorating for some time. But not everyone believes the old buildings are empty, and instead, occupied by spirits of the past. The Larundel Psychiatric Hospital was built to replace another nearby establishment that was causing issues for the local community. Construction began […]
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Sitting calmly in the center of Melbourne is one of the most historic and supposedly haunted hotels in the city. The Young & Jackson Hotel was established back in 1861 as the Princes Bridge Hotel and got its name change in 1875 to pay homage to its new Irish owners. Though the Young & Jackson Hotel and pub is steeped in history and existed for a very long time, its haunting actually occurs just outside […]
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Jack the Ripper is one of the first documented serial killers our modern world can remember. They were responsible for murdering a number of women in gruesome ways within Whitechapel, London in the late 1880s. The Ripper remains unidentified to this day, though many have speculated who the mystery killer may be. One Jack the Ripper theory suggests that Frederick Bailey Deeming may have been this infamous killer. Deeming was born in England and lived a […]
Melbourne, New South Wales, Australia
The Old Melbourne Gaol is one of the city’s most recognizable landmarks, marking the darker side of the city’s history. It has stood in the heart of Melbourne since 1839 and has seen many hardened criminals pass through its doors, though not all departed the jail alive. Being the only jail in the Melbourne area, this jail was used to house an array of prisoners. These criminals ranged in age, gender, offense and innocence. Men, […]