Warwick Castle
Along a bend in the River Avon, sitting upon a green hill, overlooking the charming English countryside rests the medieval Warwick Castle. This dark, looming structure stands peacefully today and is welcoming and open to visitors. Delving into the castle’s past of attacks, murder, fire, siege, death sentences, torture and war reveal a far less inviting presence in British history.
Since the early 900’s the earth Warwick Castle sits upon was used as a strong hold to protect the surrounding medieval communities. In 1068 William the Conqueror used the same space to construct a motte and bailey (a tower and closed off courtyard) as a strong hold for the midlands. Modifications to the structure were continuous throughout the next few hundred years. Wood was replaced by stone, additional towers and a dungeon were added on and in the 1500’s further reinforcements, a new roof, kitchen and state rooms were added.
Throughout the ages many noble families passed through Warwick Castle. It has played a pivotal role in the building of the British empire and remains amazingly intact today, preserving much history and a few ghosts within its stone walls.
The Hauntings of Warwick Castle
A long and turbulent past have given rise to countless legends, tales and ghosts stories involving Warwick Castle. Roaming through the castle’s interior it is easy to imagine it as a backdrop for these haunted tales of murder, death and intrigue.
Warwick Castle’s most well known ghost story highlights the end to Sir Fulke Greville’s physical life. Sir Fulke acquired the castle in 1604 and remained its master until meeting his violent death in 1628. Ralph Haywood, one of Fulke’s servants, stabbed his master in a fit of rage after discovering what was to be left to him in Fulke’s will. While fatal, the stab wound Fulke sustained did not lead to his immediate death. He writhed in pain for the final month of his life before succumbing to infection. This traumatic end to Falke’s life has left his spirit restless and roaming the halls of his once castle home. His apparition is commonly seen in the Watergate Tower which he occupied in life and in a corridor next to the chapel. He has been sighted so frequently in this Watergate Tower it has now affectionately been nick named Ghost Tower.
Other more menacing spirits exist within Warwick Castle. In the coldness of the castle’s depths rests its former dungeon. While haunted by the tortured souls who met their demise while in-prisoned within these depths a different kind of spirit is responsible for majority of the ghostly activity. A dark and aggressive presence in the dungeon is thought to be that of a former jailer. This sinister ghost has been sighted behind a metal gate in the dungeon and is responsible for poltergeist activity, growls, scratches and forming into a shadow figure.
Further legends state that Warwick Castle was once cursed by the witch Moll Bloxham. After being caught stealing from the Earl, Bloxham was captured and sentenced to endure a publicly humiliating torture where she placed a curse upon Warwick. Soon after Bloxham was gone, a great beast begun to prowl the grounds of the castle. The beast has been described as being a great black dog with piercing red eyes. The beast was eventually defeated after being coaxed into the river where it perished, yet Bloxham’s legend continues to live on. A ghost named the Lady in Gray who materializes throughout the castle grounds is believed by some to be Moll Bloxham.
Countless more stories of ghosts residing in Warwick Castle exist. There is a woman who glides though the castle thought to be Frances “Daisy” Greville (the Countess of Warwick) who passed away in the castle in 1938, a teenage girl, a crying mother and child who are rumored to have been entombed behind a stone wall somewhere undisclosed in the castle, disembodied footsteps are frequently heard thought to belong to deceased soldiers or knights and many other apparitions and shadow figures seen.
These stories are exasperated by the frequent manifestations of full body apparitions, disembodied voices, orbs of light, sudden temperature drops and the feelings of invisible presences nearby.
Visiting Warwick Castle
Once an imposing fortress and now a bustling tourist attraction, Warwick Castle has changed throughout its lifetime significantly. Today, it is an interesting insight into life in the middle ages and a time capsule preserving important English history.
The castle is now protected as a heritage listed landmark. It is owned by the Tussauds Group who have opened the restored castle for tours. Visitors can walk and explore the grounds and visit numerous displays throughout. The castle features a popular dungeon attraction including live actors who take guests through the darkest parts of British history while in the depths of the castle’s previous armory. Frequent other events are held in the space, such as ghost hunts investigating the castle’s reputation for being haunted.
It is possible to become lost within the castle’s walls and spend hours exploring its many fascinating rooms. Be prepared to walk up many stairs to take in the uppermost areas of the castle, which are worth checking out for the extraordinary views.
If you enjoyed reading this and are interested in more spooky places in Europe, check out my blog on the Paris Catacombs.
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