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The Australian Hotel: Haunted Pub in Queensland

Queensland, Australia

You’d be hard-pressed to find a country pub with more charm than the Australian Hotel. This piece of local history has sat within the small community of Boonah since 1888. Its wooden deck, creaking stairs and quaint front bar are all cherished parts of character that have made the hotel feel like a second home to many. The welcoming nature of the Australian Hotel even seems to have extended past the living and coaxed many […]

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The Stanley Hotel: 5 Most Haunted Hotspots

Colorado, USA

The Stanley Hotel is commonly considered to be one of the most haunted places in the world. History has made the hotel synonymous with horror and ghosts. In turn, attracting countless thrill-seekers to the building who hope to have a hair raising paranormal experience, like so many others before them. Let’s delve into the most haunted hotspots within the Stanley Hotel to learn where you are most likely to encounter a ghost! Without a doubt, […]

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Most Haunted Places in South Australia

South Australia, Australia

South Australia is an enchanting place. Made of vast deserts, lush Riverland and an epic coastline, the state has a certain charm that not many can match. It is well known for its wine region, as the festival state and for holding the city of churches, Adelaide. While nothing described here screams ghosts, it seems that the rich history South Australia contains within its oldest buildings have made it one of the most haunted regions […]

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Cecil Hotel: Death, Serial Killers and Ghosts in Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California, USA

It would be difficult to find a hotel with more notoriety than the Cecil in Los Angeles or the entire United States for that matter. The Cecil Hotel solidified its status in pop culture in the darkest of ways. Opening in 1927 the building was designed to radiate opulence but was to soon fall into disarray, gaining a negative reputation. What was to truly gain the public’s attention of the Cecil Hotel was the number […]

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Old Geelong Gaol Haunted: Ghosts of Australia

Victoria, Australia

The Old Geelong Gaol is a foreboding memory of dark moments in Australia’s past. Today, the notorious building remains mostly intact and casts a historic shadow over Geelong. The prison was built between 1849 and 1864 and remained open until 1991. Officially opening its doors to prisoners in 1853, giving Old Geelong Gaol 138 years to accumulate dark events and hauntings. Unlike other Australian jails of the time, the Geelong Gaol lead a colorful and […]

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Mae Nak Shrine Ghost: Haunted Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand

It would be difficult to find a more vibrant and lively city than Bangkok. Bustling streets lined with every color and people constantly shuffling to fill empty space is the norm for this expanding metropolis. Although Bangkok seems to be abundant with the living, there are some hidden areas of the city that are far more tranquil and ruled by the undead. The Mae Nak Shrine is one such place, a well-known haunt within Bangkok, […]

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Ghosts of Corregidor Island: Haunted Philippines


Corregidor Island lies just off the coast of Manila in the Philippines. Although the island itself is small it is filled with historic sites heavily linked to WWII. The stronghold of Corregidor was a fundamental position to hold during the war, as it allowed access to Manila Bay and was essentially the key to capturing the Philippines. For this reason, it was targeted by the Japanese who managed to capture it from the US. They were […]

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Ghosts of Machu Picchu: Ancient Haunted Ruins


Perched high above the Andes in a Southern area of Peru sits a 15th-century citadel built by the ancient Incas. Machu Picchu, roughly translated to Old Mountain, is a truly incredible sight, unrivaled by any other surviving ruins of its time. Viewing the rugged, intensely green mountain tops from such an attitude is in itself remarkable, before even considering the plethora of stone buildings and temples left scattered by the Incas. Machu Picchu’s construction is […]

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