Clark Airbase Hospital
A dark concrete shell of a place many suffered and died, remains in the Philippines as an omen to darker sides of history. The Old Clark Airbase Hospital continues to sit in a quickly developing modern-day Filipino city. Parts of the building are barely standing and it is just as dangerous to enter as the locals say it is haunted.

Though the Clark Airbase Hospital today mostly excites explorers, vandals and ghost hunters, it should also be appreciated and respected for its importance throughout history. The hospital was constructed during the early 1900s and has been used as a military hospital to treat wounded soldiers during both WWII and the Vietnam War. It has even been occupied by both Japanese and US military forces, though most recently by the US, who used the space heavily during the Vietnam War to treat their soldiers. The hospital remained in operation until it was completely blanketed with ash from a nearby volcano eruption in 1991. This damaged the hospital extensively and forced its closure and eventual abandonment.

With the age and sheer amounts of emotion, pain and anguish that have been experienced within the walls of the Clark Airbase Hospital, it may come as no surprise to learn that the building is haunted. Since its abandonment, many stories have accumulated about the intimidating premises and many have claimed to experience the paranormal within the building’s walls.

Ghost Stories of the Clark Airbase Hospital
Numerous ghost stories exist about the Old Clark Airbase Hospital. It is commonly believed that since the hospital treated so many, particularly during times of war, it saw vast amounts of death. It is those who died here under sudden and traumatic circumstances thought to remain within the decaying hospital’s walls.

A number of people have reported hearing voices echo through the empty hospital, as well as screams and sounds of pain. It is said that these are the voices of past patients, especially soldiers who died in the war. Within the first-floor ward, which was the hospital’s pediatric center, baby screams and cries have been heard by many. This was reiterated by a security guard on my own visit to the hospital. He also shared that he had heard running footsteps, as if created by an invisible child, in that section of the hospital.

Further, more intense paranormal claims have come out of the hospital. Many claim to have sighted apparitions and shadow figures throughout the hospital. The sightings vary and have occurred in many parts of the ruin. Some have claimed to see a figure crouching down and peering out from behind pillars at them, while many have seen full-bodied apparitions in the morgue.

Finally, many have claimed to have had horrible and incredible intense nightmares following their visits to the hospital. Could this be caused by the energy said to have been trapped within this historic building.

Visiting the Haunted Clark Airbase Hospital
The Old Clark Airbase Hospital is an impressive sight to see. It is a far larger structure than it appears on the outside and some areas of it remain covered in volcano ash that is almost 30 years old. The hospital is, unfortunately, not open to the public. This is due to obvious safety concerns. I was lucky to gain access by talking to the security guard posted at the hospital. He assisted me in gaining a permit to enter along with guided guards.

If you enjoyed this article and are interested in learning more about haunted hospitals. I recommend checking out this abandoned children’s hospital in Berlin, Germany.
Thanks for reading!

Posted by Pansy clodfelter on February 19, 2022
My daughter was born at Clark in 1969 ,i saw a lot of the wounded there ,it was very depressing then knowing the pain & suffering from Vietnam ,i enjoyed your article.
Posted by Amy on February 21, 2022
Thanks for reading and commenting Pansy.
Posted by Eddie O’Connor on October 19, 2022
Passed thru Clarke in 1966, out of Travis, on the way to my ship off Vietnam. The history of this base goes way back I now see, and full of tragedy. Thanks for your article. I flew back to the States from Vietnam in a planeload of coffins. War is damn tragic!
Posted by Amy on October 21, 2022
Hi Eddie, thanks for sharing this, I appreciate your comment.
Posted by Lt Col Joseph J. Krueger, USAF (RET) on January 2, 2023
I was the USAF officer who was in charge of salvaging medical equipment from the hospital after the Mt. Pinatubo eruption. I was in that facility with a small crew every day for weeks. We turned it over to the Phillipine government without any of us seeing or hearing anything unusual during that time.
Posted by Amy on January 3, 2023
It’s pretty rare to get activity all the time, every day. It’s probably more common for paranormal investigators to visit a location and not get any activity at all. That’s why I always like to visit locations more than once, try different techniques and experiments. What experiments did you try while you were there?