The Del Monte Speakeasy, Los Angeles
In the heart of Venice, located underground, is a historic bar that serves up more spirits than just the alcoholic kind. The Del Monte Speakeasy is a popular watering hole for Los Angeles socialites, yet it is also deemed to be one of the most haunted places in town.

The bar dates back to 1915 and managed to survive America’s prohibition by moving its operation underground into the dimly lit rooms that remain to make up the popular bar to this day. Cleverly disguised as a grocer the Del Monte Speakeasy sourced alcohol illegally via the Canadian ships and elaborate underground tunnel systems beneath Venice. The bar that remains today pays tribute to its heritage, retaining its old school charm and even some ghostly characters from the past.

Ghosts of the Del Monte Speakeasy
Many of the staff and patrons to visit the Del Monte Speakeasy claim the underground bar to be haunted. A number of people have claimed to sight the apparition of a man hanging out around the bar and one particular booth. This man is thought to be the spirit of Frank Bennett, who owned and ran the bar up until his death in 2003. Supposedly, the booth he is commonly seen hanging around was his favorite place to sit and have a drink during life.

While no one is truly sure if more spirits inhabit the space, other strange occurrences have been reported within the former speakeasy. One of the bar’s female guests claimed to have her hair pulled on by invisible forces while inside the female bathrooms alone. Who or what may have done this to the poor lady remains unknown.

Visiting the Haunted Del Monte Speakeasy
The Del Monte Speakeasy is open every evening until late. The bar serves up a selection of liquor and cocktails, as well as hosts the occasional staged performances. It is definitely worth dropping by to check out if you find yourself in the Venice area.

If you enjoyed this article you might also like to read about another haunted bar in America, known as Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop.
Thanks for reading!

Posted by Lucifer Stromberg on August 15, 2020
This is a great location Amy, have you ever been there yourself ??? would love to go there. As always love your work <3 3:)
Posted by Amy on August 15, 2020
Hey Lucifer. I certainly have – all of the blogs and photos are from my personal visits to these haunted locations. Can’t wait to go back some day. Thanks for the comment.