Laperal White House: Baguio’s Haunted House

Laperal White House: Baguio’s Haunted House

Baguio’s Laperal White House

Ask anyone local to Baguio city about ghosts and one notorious house will creep into the conversation. Known locally as the Laperal White House, this place has gained a reputation for striking fear into the hearts of many.

Laperal White House in Baguio, Philippines.
Standing outside of the most haunted house in Baguio, Philippines.

Its existence came about during the 1920s when a well-to-do family decided to build a summer getaway house. The Laperal’s set their sights on Baguio, being the Philippine’s premium Summer getaway, and constructed a majestic pure white Victorian, completed in an American Colonial style.

Haunted Laperal White House in Baguio, Philippines.
A place of terror, the notorious Laperal White House in Baguio.

Don Roberto Laperal, head of the family, was happy to introduce his wife, Dona Victorina, and growing young family to their new residence. What he did not anticipate, was the dark history that would consume the home, eventually cursing the family and many who came into contact with it.

Laperal White House at night.
The ominous Laperal House at night.

Misfortune and death seemed to follow the Laperal family, particularly surrounding the White House. Yet, the house was also seized by the Japanese during WWII, being used as a temporary garrison. This, in turn, saw additional dark deeds carried out within the home, including torture, executions and rape.

To understand the dark history of Baguio’s White House is to understand its hauntings.

Hauntings of the Laperal White House

Some tall stories exist that state the Laperal’s were tortured and executed by the Japanese within the home. These stories aren’t exactly supported by truth and the Laperal’s escaped the clutches of the Japanese, later returning to the home after the war. That is not to say the family didn’t experience death within the White House and still haunt the place.

Ghosts of Laperal House in Baguio.
Looking for the Laperal White House’s ghosts.

One of the most tragic losses to the Laperal family concerned that of their young three and a half-year-old daughter. It is said that this young girl wandered outside the house, following her nanny. Tragically, the nanny wasn’t paying close enough attention to the young girl to see her wander out on to the nearby street. Here, she was struck by a car, killed by the impact of the incident. Ever since, her spirit is thought to be trapped within the property and has even been photographed on the front stairs of the house. This tragic story doesn’t end there. It is said that the grief and guilt of this accident followed and weighed heavily on the nanny. She supposedly took her own life within the White House’s attic. Her ghost is also said to remain at the home and is often sighted peering out the front windows. Many believe she is bound to the Laperal White House to look over the little girl she failed in life.

Fenced off haunted white house in Baguio.
A haunted house that is no longer able to be visited.

Eventually, all of the Laperal’s children would pass away. Some would die inside the White House or its grounds, whilst others would perish outside of the home. After Don Roberto’s wife and his children had died, he also would soon follow. It is told that he planned to sell the house and as he went to walk away from the home for the final time, he collapsed on the front stairway and died. He is now said to haunt the home along with many of his family members.

A nighttime view of the infamous and haunted Laperal White House.
Darkness falls over one of the most haunted places in the Philippines.

Some say that torture and execution victims from the war may also haunt the home along with Japanese soldiers. Some people have even claimed to have seen these soldiers’ apparitions in the upper bedrooms. They are also the spirits believed to be responsible for violent behavior including pushing and scratching people.

Visiting the Haunted Laperal White House

Whether you believe the fanciful ghost stories of the Laperal House or not, there is no denying it has earned itself one spooky reputation. Whether it is the home’s history or actual paranormal events having transpired, the Laperal White House is still believed by many to be one of the most haunted places in the Philippines.

Baguio's most haunted place, Laperal White House.
Visiting the very haunted Laperal White House of Baguio, Philippines.

Unfortunately, entry into the home is currently restricted. The house has sat empty for some time since an art museum vacated from the premises. The house is guarded round the clock by both a security guard and a large fence. Rumors exist that the home may become part of a larger housing or hotel complex, though its future remains unclear.

If you enjoyed reading this article, you might also like the Old Diplomat Hotel. Another one of Baguio’s most haunted places.

Thanks for reading!


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About Amy

Amy is a world traveller and explorer of creepy locations. She has visited some of the most famously haunted places around the world in search of evidence of the paranormal. Follow Amy's Journey:

Comments (10)

  • Anthony Llanes

    Posted by Anthony Llanes on June 14, 2019

    Awesome! I’ve been to Baguio before, but not this house. It is unfortunate that it is not currently open to the public. I hope that changes one of these days since I plan to visit the Philippines later on this year. I’ll make it a point to at least see this house up close when I visit. Love your website and youtube channel!


      Posted by Amy on June 14, 2019

      Thanks so much, Anthony! The Laperal House is definitely worth a walk past, it is actually quite beautiful despite its history. It is also right near the Teacher’s Camp, which is also supposedly very haunted. Worth a visit too, if you are in the area. I’ll have videos and a blog posted for this location too soon. Thanks for reading and watching my content, that means the world to me. Enjoy your trip to the Philippines later this year!

  • Ircel Crisostomo Tuvera

    Posted by Ircel Crisostomo Tuvera on June 15, 2019

    It’s kinda bit sad knowing that a place with great value was left to rot. I’m don’t know much about the house even though it’s in my country but I’ve heard people here talking about Baguio’s White House. And there was even a news documentary(?) from a prominent TV Network here in the Philippines that tried to document and explore the place’s hauntedness(is that even a word?) Keep up the Good Work and Good Luck. PEACE!


      Posted by Amy on June 16, 2019

      Hey Ircel! I think that the house is being maintained within, at least I hope that it is. Not sure on what solid plans they have with the building at this stage. I really want to do more research and watch some of these programs about the house, it is pretty well known over in the Philippines. An interesting place for sure. Thanks for reading and commenting!

  • Tisay

    Posted by Tisay on June 18, 2022

    It’s actually surprising that the Laperal White house and the Old Diplomat Hotel survived the devastating earthquake in Baguio City on July 16,1990. That earthquake took thousands of lives and destroyed so many properties including big commercial buildings…even adding more haunted places in Baguio City. You mentioned about a security guard who watches over Laperal house and they are actually the best people to interview in these matters because they have to endure the night duties alone. As a resident of Baguio, I always get the best stories of first hand ghost encounters from the guards that I’ve talked to.


      Posted by Amy on June 25, 2022

      Thanks for sharing this, Tisay. I hope to return to the Laperal White House some day.


    Posted by EDGARDO CUSTODIO on September 5, 2022

    I will certainly put this in the list next time I plan a trip up north. Baguio has always been special eversince.


      Posted by Amy on October 16, 2022

      Hope you get a change to check it out.

  • Jocelyn Javier

    Posted by Jocelyn Javier on November 28, 2023

    prayers to the trap souls in that creepy house . I think there is a portal of evil beneath the house since it has been a place of evil of japanese soldiers during WW2.

  • Herman Near

    Posted by Herman Near on March 22, 2024

    The place has had additional exorcism. It had a bamboo product exhibit, and now it has a restaurant. Bloggers still confirm some eerie presence, but the aura of the place has improved since the restaurant opened.

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