Nudgee Cemetery, Queensland
On the outskirts of Brisbane lies the sprawling Nudgee Cemetery, which dates back to 1867. Modern graves meet aging tombstones, each representing people from Queensland’s past and each having a story to tell. This cemetery was the first of its kind in Brisbane, being the original Catholic burial ground and growing to be the largest in the area.

The cemetery continues to hold many people who were noteworthy and important in the Queensland region, yet also contains some spooky stories. Many people consider the cemetery to be haunted with countless visitors claiming to experience paranormal activity within the Nudgee Cemetery.
Paranormal Activity in Nudgee Cemetery
A number of strange occurrences have been reported within the Nudgee Cemetery. This has led many people to believe that it is one of the most haunted places in the Brisbane area. The atmosphere of the burial ground has been described by some as dark and uninviting, yet there is no clear reason for these negative descriptors.

One of the spirits said to haunt the Nudgee Cemetery is that of a young female. This little girl has been sighted by many visitors who have entered the cemetery after dark. They report capturing a quick glimpse of her ghost walking through the tombstones at pace, before completely dissolving into thin air. Her identity is unknown and no one truly knows why she haunts the cemetery. It can only be speculated that she is buried there and remains in confusion.

The final piece of paranormal activity that has been experienced within the cemetery is sightings of peculiar light anomalies. These have been seen by visitors’ naked eyes and some of them have even claimed to capture them in photographs.

Visiting Nudgee Cemetery
The Nudgee Cemetery is still accepting interments and is open year-round. The graves cover an expansive area of land and visitors should come prepared for a long walk if they intend to cover the entire area.

If you enjoyed this article you might also find interest in Goodna Cemetery and Toowong Cemetery. These are other haunted cemeteries in the Brisbane area.
Thanks for reading!

Posted by Amber on January 10, 2023
I find most of this area uncanny
The old Bora ring sits not far from this place, on Child’s Road.
Our First Peoples burial ground is close by, as the crow flies, through the wetlands.
Dinah Island.
As an avid ghost hunter myself, I tend to leave the places sacred to the Indigenous people un-disturbed, out of respect.
Yet I’ve wondered if the proximity (to local sacred Indigenous places) is the thing which makes this whole area, including the graveyard, feel so charged.
We drove through here one night to have a sticky-beak … our dogs went crazy barking at something we couldn’t see, on the right, as we drove in the main gate.
They settled down, but the drive definitely felt “ accompanied “
Personally I find Nundah Cemetery the spookiest.
Smaller, less grand … but eerie.
It’s a place that never feels welcoming.
Kinda a “Touch Me Not” feels … as far as cemeteries go 💛
Posted by Amy on February 12, 2023
Thanks for sharing this, Amber!
Posted by Ellie on July 9, 2023
Hi Amy while walking through a Cemetery on Brisbanes northside a few back looking at some of the most beautiful headstones I captured something on my phone camera I was not expecting. It was 2pm since then I have found a very interesting story about the cemetery site and now i am thinking what i have in this photo is related to the story. I would love to talk to you and have you go back with us and see what we could find out. EM