Paranormal Investigation at the Haunted Shrewsbury Prison

Paranormal Investigation at the Haunted Shrewsbury Prison

Shrewsbury Prison

In the unsuspecting town of Shrewsbury, England lies the remnants of a prison that is said to be one of the most haunted places in the United Kingdom. Her Majesty’s Shrewsbury Prison sits upon endless tunnels and corridors of what remains of the former Georgian era prison that once stood in its place.  

Haunted Shrewsbury Prison,
Standing outside the gates of the very haunted Shrewsbury Prison.

The original Georgian era prison was built in 1793, though it wouldn’t stick around long, following severe overcrowding and declining conditions for convicts, which eventually led to the prison’s demise. A new prison was built on top of the old prison in 1877 and operated until 2013.  Daily public hangings took place for the 220 offenses under what has been dubbed the ‘Bloody Code’, which could see someone sentenced to death for crimes we would consider petty by today’s standards, e.g. stealing livestock. The public executions would draw in large crowds, until in 1902, they were moved inside the privacy of the prison walls. The executed were immediately buried in unmarked graves within the prison grounds, solidifying the legacy of Shrewsbury Prison as one of England’s most haunted.

Haunted England Prison.
Looking up at a 4 story high cell block at Shrewsbury Prison.

Ghostly tales of Shrewsbury Prison

Visitors to Shrewsbury Prison report seeing shadow figures amongst the numerous cell blocks, as well as hearing cries from inmates of the past. Some guests have even reported being pushed down the stairs, feeling a strange grip around their necks, described as being similar to that of a hang man’s noose, or hearing loud door slams suggesting that poltergeist activity is also commonplace within the prison. 

haunted prison in Shrewsbury.
Walking through haunted cellblocks of a former prison.

In Cell 441 of A Wing there was an attempted suicide and many people that visit today report feeling a heavy pressure feeling on their chest. Many other visitors to this part of the prison have reported a shadow man that lurks around the multiple floors of the wing, and I personally was overcome with a strange, ill sensation while exploring this part of the prison.

Haunted block in Shrewsbury Prison,
A Wing – said to be one of the most haunted areas of the jail.

Another area of interest at the haunted Shrewsbury Prison is C Wing, the oldest wing in the prison. This wing was generally reserved for women and children, which is fitting to the ghost stories associated with this area today. Officers that worked at the prison during its operational days would not work in this area of the prison on their own. A grey lady has been said to be seen coming out of cell three and making her way to the hanging room. Incidentally, while investigating the hanging area during our visit we could hear what we described as a woman giggling throughout the night. 

Grey lady ghost of Shrewsbury Prison.
The path a grey lady ghost is said to walk.

Visiting Shrewsbury Prison

Unfortunately during my visit the underground tunnels that form part of the old Georgian prison were not accessible due to flooding. However, the rest of the prison was able to be explored either as part of a guided or self-guided tour, and is well worth the ticket price. 

Ghost Hunting at Shrewsbury Prison.
Looking for the ghosts of Shrewsbury Prison.

If you enjoyed reading about the ghost stories of Shrewsbury Prison, you might also be interested in the Oxford Castle and Prison which dates back even further than this one and has a few ghost stories of its own.

Thanks for reading!


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About Amy

Amy is a world traveller and explorer of creepy locations. She has visited some of the most famously haunted places around the world in search of evidence of the paranormal. Follow Amy's Journey:

Comments (4)

  • Tamsin Lawrence

    Posted by Tamsin Lawrence on August 22, 2022

    Hi Amy. Ive been binge watching your video’s since I found you on You Tube and they’re fantastic. I live in Aus, but am traveling to England next year specifically to go ghost hunting. I’ve sensed spirits since I was 5. The question I wanted to ask as a newbie to investigating and documenting evidence with equipment, is, how easy or difficult is it to get access to locations and what your advice would be? I’ll be working on a budget too. (If you don’t mind answering that). I’d so appreciate any advice. Thanks so much for all your video’s. Your professionalism and approach to the paranormal is brilliant.


      Posted by Amy on September 4, 2022

      Depending on the country, getting into venues (at least to yourself) can be very expensive. I would suggest joining a public paranormal investigation/evening which is normally less than $100. You will be sharing with others, but in big venues it doesn’t matter too much, plus its a good way to get your feet wet.

  • Simon

    Posted by Simon on September 3, 2022

    Have u ever tried pluckley in kent the uks most haunted village


      Posted by Amy on September 4, 2022

      I have not but thanks for the suggestion!

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