The Australian state of Victoria saw rapid population growth after its goldfields prospered. To keep order amongst this growing community a prison was necessary and 1861 saw the Ararat Country Gaol open. The gaol would function until the 1880s when it would eventually close as the goldfields saw their own demise. Later, in 1887, the facility would be repurposed, becoming a part of the Aradale Lunatic Asylum. The gaol was renamed to J Ward and […]
Moonta, South Australia, Australia
The Cornwall Hotel is a historic and popular hotel in Moonta, South Australia. Not only is it the oldest pub in town, dating back to the early 1860s, it is also said to be one of the most haunted. Formerly known as the Globe, the hotel was sadly extensively damaged by fire in 1885. Thankfully, no lives were lost in the blaze. Later, the hotel would be restored to its full glory. The hotel also […]
Moonta, South Australia, Australia
Moonta is a stunning seaside town along South Australia‘s pristine coastline. The town itself is a place of great history to the area, formerly booming during the 1800s due to rich mining opportunities. Copper was discovered in the Moonta area in 186, which triggered a boom period and numerous mines remaining open through to 1923. During this time, the town grew with many new residents drawn from all over, in particular Cornwall, to pursue mining […]
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
The Burton Pioneer Cemetery is a rather unremarkable site at first glance. It does, however, contain a vast amount of history and many graves of the early pioneers to the area. Back in 1857, a Methodist chapel was built on the grounds. The first burial in what would become a small cemetery, occurred shortly after in 1866 when young George Diment was laid to rest after just one year of life. Further burials continued to […]
Marree, South Australia, Australia
The Marree Hotel was the first building erected in the small, remote town of Marree. Being built back in 1883, the Marree Hotel became an institution within the town over the years. Once even being called the Great Northern Hotel. The Marree Hotel has remained continuously operational throughout its life and has played host to many different Caretakers and owners. Today, it remains a popular place for locals and those passing through the outback, though some […]
Marree, South Australia, Australia
Marree is a small, remote town in the Northern parts of South Australia. It was first surveyed in 1883 and was connected to other towns with a rail line in 1884. The Marree Railway Station became an important part of the town’s history and allowed for the transportation of cattle, coal and passengers across South Australia. The station worked to serve the state until the 1980s when it was officially closed down. The station still […]
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
The Freemasons have existed in Adelaide for years. Many pass by their Grand Lodge without taking much notice of the building, yet it is a place of great history. It has stood along North Terrace since the 1920s, being constructed between 1924 and 1927. It was originally built to replace another lodge in the city that dated back to 1869. The building has seen many uses. From housing Government officials, to acting as a temporary […]
Gawler, South Australia, Australia
One of Gawler’s most popular walking trails boasts a seriously grim name. Dead Man’s Pass wasn’t always named as such but received a new title following the death of a mystery person. It’s also claimed to have a ghost or two. Though this area saw much history surrounding its first inhabitants, the Kaurna People, history related to the early settlers navigating the area began in the 1830s. Dead Man’s Pass was originally dubbed Murray Pass […]